Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Some cool local blogs and photographers

Hi guys, I'm in a blogging mood and thought that I would share some of our favorite blogs and photographers with all of you out there. First up is ashevegas, local photographer and blogger of some repute who always has a bounty of interesting posts in any given day. Next up is Edgy Mama who has really gained a huge following and has some pretty memorable posts. Now for a couple of photographers, Mike Belleme is a friend of ours who has been up to some pretty amazing stuff lately. You should definitely swing over and check out his work. One warning though, some may find Mike's Uncle Dirty thread a bit offensive. Lastly, check out the guys at Vellum Industrial Photography. Nathan has been a friend of mine for over a decade and it's really cool to see what these guys are doing in that sector of the photography world. Check them out, most of their work could be hung as art. I hope that gives you cubicle surfers something to check out on a dreary Tuesday.

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